Low Carb Life...

Thursday, August 16, 2018

So, starting this year 2018 I have jumped on the low carb/keto train. It has been up and down battle, but I am happy to report that in I have lost 25 lbs. This may not seem like allot in 8 months, but I have tried soooo many different diets and they have never lasted. I decided this year that I wanted to change my lifestyle. I don't want to be sitting at a restaurant with my family trying to figure out how many points I have left or saying well we can’t eat here because this is not on my diet!

I am a carb lover! I mean I know I am beyond addicted to carbs. I want bread, pasta, pancakes, fried food, all the stuff that is yummy. With that being said here are some ways that I have survived and kept my no bread/no pasta going! Both at home and when we go out to eat!


Hamburgers - no bun That is all…I LOVE hamburgers, cheese burgers and it is so easy when you are out to have this option! Just order without a bun!!!

Pasta & Rice - This one still is a little tricky for me. I have tried the veggie spaghetti and I still can’t believe that I am saying this...it was too sweet! (I will explain the changing of my taste buds in a little bit), So I go without noodles all together. I will eat really meaty spaghetti sauce without noodles, or like last night I made cheesy taco hamburger helper...I cooked the taco meat, set some aside for myself and mixed that in with some steamed cauliflower and broccoli! It was amazing and really filling!

Sweets - This is another HUGE weakness that I have! This weekend was the first time I made Fat Bombs...and I have to admit it was not what I thought it was going to be (thinking the yummy bad for you sugar taste) But it did satisfy that sugar craving I was having. I have also started eating Quest chocolate chip cookies! These have been a life saver also. The chocolate ones are good. But in my opinion, they are dry. They also have peanut butter cookies. These are also good, but I prefer the chocolate chip ones.

Sides - This one is tricky because when I started out I just made sure that I didn't eat any bread or pasta so instead of fries I would order coleslaw or fruit. I later found out that these are just full of sugar (sugar = carbs), So I was sticking to my rule of no bread and no pasta, but the coleslaw and fruit were just as bad for me! Now I just stick to green veggies. I have noticed as time goes by I can't even eat all the meat on my plate, so the sides become less and less important! 

Any dinners that are just tooo high in carbs - When this happens and there is no way possible for me to make the dinner into low carb. I will have a backup of some nice greens and use one of our leftovers as a meat topping lol. 

Now having 4 men in the house it is hard for me to cook nothing but low carb meals. This has been my down fall for EVERY diet that I have ever been on. I can't see how making 2 meals a night is right. Its allot of money...and its allot of time that I usually don't have especially during the school year. Yes, I know I have heard allot of super moms talk about how they plan out meals and prep so that this is possible, but I am telling you I don't have that type of motivation after all the shit in my house is done! On my day off...I want to get the cleaning and shit done (I do prep lunches for my husband and I) but other than that I want to sit my lazy ass down for an afternoon and not worry about prepping 14 meals for the week!

This is the start of my journey.....Part #2 coming soon!


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