Christmas Shopping Organization
The trees have just started turning and all I can think about is how much time is left before Christmas! It's crazy but, as parents we have to start planning early. If you do this then it seems like it is easier on your bank account and your sanity!
I like to start early in the season for all of our extended family. We don't get a list from them so when I see something that I think would be perfect then I buy it. This may be an impulse pulse purchase, but it has worked for me so far! This also works for stocking stuffers! When you see some fun little trinkets in the store or online that are cheap don't pass them up! Those are going to save your ass when you are trying to wrap presents, bake cookies and do everything else this holiday season!
Here is my schedule that I try my hardest to stick with!
End of October -
1. Make list of names of people you need to shop for - Family, friends, and if you have any annual parties you attend.
2. Keep your eye out for clearance stocking stuffers - summer stuff is on sale and will be marked down pretty low by this time.
3. Budget - get your budget in order so you have an idea of how much you need to save. This will help when you start shopping in the next couple weeks!
4. Make a list of gift cards for those hard to shop for people!!
November -
Now is the time to start your shopping. Leave the big items you know will be on sale for Black Friday on your list but, start getting those other items checked off! This will also help your budget, so you are not spending a ton of money all at once!
Black Friday! Start planning your Black Friday shopping list and you game plan for the day! This is important, so you can take part in as many deals as possible!
This is also the time I will start getting family who is out of state and we will not be able to see checked off my list. We have 2 nieces that live in Minnesota and I like to make them a Christmas Eve box. I will explain more about these boxes in my DIY Christmas post!
You all know how much I love lists! I also have a list for all of my D.I.Y gifts also! This helps me stay on track both in the store and at home!
December -
Crunch time! Starting in December you are now like the jolly fat man himself! Get that list out and start checking it twice! Along with gift shopping December 1st I will usually start getting my baking list started. I like to make baskets and trays for people. By getting my list done now I will have time to plan everything out!
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